
CSEE 2021

CSEE 2021
Barcelona, Spain (Virtual Conference) | February 18-20, 2021

CSEE 2021 was hosted by University of Barcelona, Spain. Due to continue COVID-19 disruption, CSEE 2021 originally scheduled at University of Barcelona, Spain had to be held online during February 18-20, 2021. This year, three renowned keynote speakers and two invited speakers shared with us their recent research work. In addition, authors from all over the world delivered wonderful speeches in 4 parallel sessions. Session Chairs selected four best presentations from 6 aspects: Applicability, Originality, Significance, Visual Aids, English Delivery, and Timeliness assessment.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Geoff Webb (IEEE Fellow)
Monash University, Australia

Prof. Hui Xiong (IEEE & AAAS Fellow)
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA

Committee Members

Prof. Mario Barajas Frutos
University of Barcelona, Spain

Prof. Yu-Dong Zhang
University of Leicester, UK

Invited Speakers

Prof. Liz Bacon
Abertay University, UK

Assoc. Prof. Valencia-Arias
Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Colombia

Session Group Photos

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Best Presenters

Session 1: Mohammad Saleem
Budapest Uinversity of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Session 2: Areen Z.A. Naji
An-najah National University, Palestine

Session 3: Emmanuel Ofori-Attah
University of Northampton, United Kingdom

Session 4: Lester Hao
Chiang Kai Shek College, Philippines