Prof. Xuemin Lin
(Foreign Member of Academia Europaea, IEEE Fellow)
Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Xuemin Lin
is a chair professor in the Department of Data and
Business Intelligence at the Antai College of Economics
and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and
currently the head of Department of Data and Business
Intelligence. Prof Lin is a foreign member of Academia
Europaea and a fellow of IEEE.
Xuemin Lin got his PhD in Computer science from the
University of Queensland in 1992 and his BSc in Applied
Math from Fudan University in 1984. During 1984-1988, he
studied for PhD in Applied Math at Fudan University.
Xuemin Lin started his teaching in the Computer Science
Department at the University of Western Australia in Nov
1994 after a 2 years research fellow appointment at the
University of Queensland. He joined the School of
Computer Science and Engineering at the University of
New South Wales in Nov 1997. In 2005, he was a visiting
researcher in Microsoft Asia Research Lab and visited
Tokyo University as a JSPS fellow. He is a distinguished
visiting Professor at Tsinghua University and a visiting
Chair Professor at Fudan University. He has been an
adiunct Professor at East Normal University, Zhejiang
Gongshang University, and Guangzhou University. Xuemin
was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering (2017 Jan - 2021 Dec). He
was also an Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2015 Jan
- 2017 Jan). He was an associate editor of ACM
Transactions on Database Systems (2008-2014) and an
associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering (2013 Feb - 2015 Jan).
Prof. Qing Li
(IEEE, AAIA and IET Fellow)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Qing Li is a Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his B.Eng. from Hunan University (Changsha), and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Southern California (Los Angeles), all in computer science. His research interests include multi-modal data management, conceptual data modeling, social media, Web services, and e-learning systems. He has authored/co-authored over 500 publications in these areas, with over 45,000 citations and H-index of 87 (source: Google Scholars). He is actively involved in the research community and has served as Editor-in-Chief of Computer & Education: X Realitty (CEXR) by Elsevier, associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (TAI), IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems (TCDS), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Data Science and Engineering (DSE), and World Wide Web (WWW) Journal, in addition to being a Conference and Program Chair/Co-Chair of numerous major international conferences. He also sits/sat in the Steering Committees of DASFAA, ER, ACM RecSys, IEEE U-MEDIA, and ICWL. Prof. Li is a Fellow of IEEE, AAIA, and IET.
Prof. Yanchun Zhang
(Foreign Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine of United Kingdoms (RSM Fellow))
Zhejiang Normal University, China
Zhang is currently distinguished professor at Zhejiang
Normal University, China, Emeritus Professor at Victoria
University, Australia and Foreign Academician of The Russian
Academy of Natural Sciences.
He is Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine of UK. His
research interests include databases, data mining,
social networking, web services and e-health / digital
health, especially in developing data analysis and AI
techniques for smart medicine and health. He has
published over 400 research papers in international
journals and conference proceedings. He
authored/co-authored 5 monographs and edited a dozen of
books in the related areas. Dr. Zhang is a founding
editor and editor-in-chief of World Wide Web Journal
(Springer) and Health Information Science and Systems
Journal (Springer).
He has serviced as an expert panel member at various
international research funding agencies like Australia
Research Council (ARC), UK’s Medical Research Council
(MRC) and Australia’s National Health and Medical
Research Council (NHMRC).